April 17, 2009

Easter Retreat

Playing with Emil Nilsson.

Fiona and Emma vs. Davey and Cindy

We heard they had American "canned goods" at the nearby Rewe!!! Mug root beer was so worth the €1,65!

Easter egg hunt

Jan, Emil, Brett and Markus

Brett teaching about the different camps of Creationists.

Singing on Monday morning

Wish I could say she was sleeping, but she was pretty good during Marcus' sermon. I think it was because she was a little tired from being at the hospital the night before! Nothing major, something in her elbow slipped out and the weird ER doctor flipped it back into place--nothing like your nightmare coming true!

This is Brett driving home after having driven 45 minutes in the wrong direction, which, by the way, I thought we were doing the whole time. Doesn't he look proud.


michael said...

yeah the real american dr pepper was awesome :-)

Chrisch said...

It was a good weekend...