October 12, 2009

a date, a birthday and an invitation...

Fiona and Papa getting ready to go on their first date. Fiona picked out her outfit, the restaurant and the movie. She even got flowers!

And I turned 31. It had to happen. We had a girls night out, but for some reason I took no pictures! We had a great time--saw a movie and went out to eat, which may not sound very unusual for a birthday celebration, but Germans generally celebrate at home with a lot of guests and food. All my friends said that my way makes a lot more sense in that it involves a lot less planning and clean up. I couldn't agree more.

My friend, Renate and family, drove down all the way from Peine to celebrate. Fiona was so happy to see Scott and Sean. The dads took them swimming and ordered Pizza while we were gone. (Note: Scott is only 5 weeks older than Fiona and Sean just turned 2)

We invited some students Brett met through one of the Campus Outreaches to dinner. Fiona was really into Ronald, who is from Paraguay.

All 6 of us around our tiny kitchen table, Alireza (from Iran), Elizabeth (Fiona's favorite baby name) and Ronald stayed for a round of Carcassone afterwards.


Brittany and Grant said...

My middle name is Elizabeth! Love it. Oh, and I love love the picture of you driving thru the red light. Hilarious. Miss yall!!!

Kelly said...

Go Alabama! :)

Heather said...

so you feel better about me wearing alabama all the time, kelly, i sewed up the armpit hole. and i don't wear it outside the house.