July 14, 2007

Was macht ihr denn die ganze Zeit?

We stayed with the Burkey's while in Carthage. They are friends of my family and used to watch Grant and I when we were very young. This is Jerry having a tea party with Fiona...

And playing the piano.

This is Fiona and I playing in Mark and Carla Scott's backyard. We were able to spend some time with them in Joplin, Missouri.

We stayed with the Murphey family while we were in Washington, IN (New Hope Christian Church). Fiona had a great time with their two boys, in fact, she kissed Eli several times.

We went to camp and the kids raised money for us. They reached their goal and so we got gross food dumped on us. I do have a Wal-Mart bag taped to my head because believe it or not, I have had instant mashed potatoes in my hair before.

1 comment:

the don said...

those pics are great! the last one especially! oh, the lengths missionaries must suffer for support! ;)

see you soon!