October 17, 2010


It is exhausting as we get ready to leave.

Saying goodbye to our sofa.

Singing at church

celebrating 30-something

looking good

reading a book

Driving home yesterday from Peine, it hit me. This is the last time we'll drive down this road. I teared up, but didn't cry because in the very next moment I thought about how very exciting the next chapter will be. That's about where we are, sad and happy, at nearly the same time. The packers come next week, which will be extremely sobering as the only remaining things will be that which is left behind or on the plane with us. I keep thinking about a song we sing at church "zwischen zeit" (time between). As much as I don't like being between places, it has made me think a lot about home. Home can be very relative if you've moved around a lot, but Jesus talks about a home I definitely don't want to miss out on. I think I'd really like a place where there are no tears, until then, I guess I'll just have to get used to the time between.

1 comment:

@lyss@ said...

woohoo i made your blog! it's so sad to see your couch go. i remember getting rid of all that when we moved here. hard stuff.