May 18, 2007


Wenn man mich am Mittwoch gefragt haette, ob wir in Indianapolis ankommen wuerden, haette ich auf jeden Fall nein gesagt. Wir waren echt am Ende als wir hier ankamen. Ich wuerde nicht ohne Fiona hier sein wollen, aber es war total schwer mit ihr zu reisen. Jetzt besorgen wir uns ein Handy, kaufen Sachen ein, die wir vergessen haben, schauen was wir letztes mal hier gelassen haben, und gewoehnen uns an die zeit--Fiona ist echt gut drin, sie ist schon start klar. Allerdings ist sie drauf und dran alles alleine zu essen. Es gibt ja dann immer Essen ueberall, was auch nicht weiter schlimmer waere, wenn wir nicht immer Gaeste waeren. Naja, so ist das Leben eben. Ich bin echt muede, also lege ich mich jetzt schlaffen. Bald gibt's ein Foto, versprochen.
I truly didn't think we'd make it here, but we did. It was one of the longest days of my life. We wouldn't want to be here without her, but Fiona is not a good traveling companion. Now, we're getting everything set to get started and getting used to the time difference. Fiona's decided it's time to feed herself, so mealtime is a very time-consuming and messy process, unless it's chicken nuggets. But since she's just started to shovel food in her mouth, she always makes a mess, which wouldn't be that bad except that we'll be guests all summer long. So if we're staying with you, consider yourselves warned. This should give you time to reconsider your offer for us to stay with you. Whatever, such is life. I'm very tired now, evident by the amount of z's i've typed instead of y's, (the two are switched on the german keyboard) though you wouldn't be able to tell how many times i've backspaced and corrected. Whatever. I'll post a picture soon, I promise.


the don said...

glad you made it back safely!

David Knapp said...

Glad to here you made it over here in one piece. Amanda and I look forward to seeing you in June. We understand if all you want to do is nap when you come by. We have seen a few people on furlough and they seem really busy and tired. Hope you guys get a chance to get refreshed while your here. Sorry about the gas prices...I didn't do it. The price jumped from 3.14 to 3.29 in a few hours yesterday. :(